Our vision is to see women come together as one and find their place in the vineyard of God to be built up, to develop and grow in things of God by the Word and prayer. We also want to minister to the total woman physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. New Life Bible Church’s Sisters’ Fellowship is a group of vibrant women who love the Lord and are busy building our walls in the house of God.
Our mission statement is taken from Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that fears the Lord is to be praised’’, we know that the fear of the Lord will teach us wisdom to be effective in all that we do (also see Proverb 3:5-6).
Our inaugural meeting was held in July 2000 and we currently have 45 sisters in the group coordinated by Sister Lydia Abu. We want to be able to reach out to the community by holding in-house seminars, bible studies, video shows various workshops and handcraft classes, also activities involving the youths with the aim of reaching the unsaved.
Our activities so far include Bible Studies, video show, cookery workshops, programmes with Pastor Dunni of Emmanuel Christian Centre. Our members also attended the Divine Visitation conference in Hertfordshire organised by the Women of Excellence International.
In the coming year, we will have more challenging events to facilitate evangelism such as sewing, knitting, needlework, jewellery, dressing, quiz and keep fit classes to name a few. We know that this is the beginning of greater things to come.
Toyin Jama
President, NLBC Sisters Fellowship